Friday, April 15, 2011

N - is for Nigger (Gasp! Don't faint, just read.)

My son, Logan, asked me once what was the 'baddest" word.  I remember him asking, "Is it the "F" word, Mom?"  I thought about that a minute and I said, "No, Logan, I think the "N" word is the "baddest" word."

You see, I hate the "N" word.  I do not use it and it was very hard for me to even type it.  To me, the word nigger is probably the most hateful word one can use.  It is a word that brings with it a legacy of hate, degradation, humiliation, shame, and pain.  It is truly an ugly word.

It has not always been such.  The word, nigger, originated as a term used in a neutral context to refer to black people, as a variation of the Spanish/Portuguese noun negro, a descendant of the Latin adjective niger, meaning the color "black". ~~Wikipedia

So, originally it was used as a desciptive word with no demeaning connotations.  It was not until the 1900's that it became a pejorative word.  It all went down hill from there as far as I'm concerned.

I think one of the things that riles me up the most is how young people, in particular African American young people, throw the word around like it's nothing.  I frequently hear them referring to one another in this manner.  The reason it flames me is, I have tremendous respect for how hard their grandparents and great-grandparents fought to rise above such degradation and racial prejudice.  They fought and died for their right to basic human decency.  They fought for their children to have a better life and now those childrens' children toss around the word as though it were a term of endearment.  I just don't get it.

Each to his own I suppose, but in my world the "N" word will always be a bad word.  To me, the word nigger is an ugly word, with an ugly past, and I have no use for it.  I wish others wouldn't either.  There is no love, no respect, no acceptance in that word.  There just isn't.


  1. Thank you, Lori. I often think of Miss Rosa Parks, Dr. King and all of the others who fought so hard. It saddens me.

  2. Well said. I classify the word "nigger" the same way I classify the word "fag" or "faggot." Both terms have hideous origins, and their use constitues ignorance and stupidity beyond comprehension.

    Thank you for having the courage to address such an evil topic.

  3. I agree, Spider. I tell ya the truth. I had to spend alot of prayer time on this one to get the courage, but it is something I have been wanting to say for a long time. I appreciate your comment, brother.

  4. My mama used to say " ignorance is bliss". Well ignorance can be eliminated by study.
    Stupidity however, is the absence of the ability to learn, or stubborn rebellion against becoming responsible through acquiring knowledge.
    The current generation has an issue with comprehension. They've been "dumbed down" and brainwashed by pop culture. That is the explanation to the "N" word being acceptable. Until they wake up and realize they've been given the short end of the stick, they will not change. And that is very sad.

  5. @ Kari - I agree sister. Completely. Thank you for that word of wisdom.

  6. Thank you for raising this topic. Words or labels have the power we give them.
